Think Wellness Now, Inc.

Welcome To Our Services

Think Wellness Now:
A Comprehensive Employer Wellness Program

Think Wellness Now And Elevate The Health Of Your Company

Welcome To The Think Wellness Now
Employer Wellness Program

Adopting a worksite wellness program has never been more popular and attractive for employers and employees alike. Since employers have begun to recognize the burden of increasing insurance premiums, while also experiencing the direct and indirect costs associated with a workforce compromised by chronic disease, mental health issues and other health-related problems, employers have sought preventative measures to improve employee health and wellness.

There Is No Better Time For Your Organization To Think Wellness Now

Comprehensive workplace health promotion programs tend to have the greatest effects on worker well-being (Harris, Hannon, Beresford, Linnan, & McLellan, 2014) and tend to improve overall well-being (including physical health, mental health, healthy behaviors, and satisfaction with one’s work environment). Such programs have been shown to directly improve productivity outcomes (e.g., absenteeism, short-term disability, job performance), health care outcomes (e.g., emergency room visits, hospitalizations, medical and prescription spending), and retention outcomes (e.g., intentions to stay and voluntary and involuntary turnover; Sears, Shi, Coberley, & Pope, 2013), all of which reduces organizational spending while also promoting the health of the organization as a whole.

The Think Wellness Now Employer Wellness Program is dedicated to real health behavior change. That is why our program is designed to meet each employee at what point they are currently in their life path and help them find solutions to their health issues. We have constructed our program to be used as a stand-alone wellness program, and in addition, it also provides monthly and annual reimbursements for 67 different 213(d) medical benefits that might not be covered by the employees’ major-medical health insurance or Medicare plan. These services include acupuncture, chiropractor care, dental and orthodontia treatment, eye examinations and eye glasses, prescribed medicines and drugs, nutritional supplements, vitamins, herbal supplements, podiatrist services and many more.

Harris, J. R., Hannon, P. A., Beresford, S. A., Linnan, L. A., & McLellan, D. L. (2014). Health promotion in smaller workplaces in the United States. Annual review of public health, 35, 327–342.
 2. Sears, L. E., Shi, Y., Coberley, C. R., & Pope, J. E. (2013). Overall well-being as a predictor of health care, productivity, and retention outcomes in a large employer. Population health management, 16(6), 397–405.

Do Not Miss Out On The Benefits Of Corporate Wellness


What Employee Benefits Come Included With Our Employer Wellness Program?

The Think Wellness Now Employer Wellness Program begins with an initial health risk assessment at each employee’s enrollment called the Think Wellness Now Engagement Questionnaire for employees to see their most pressing risk factors for various diseases. Based on their answers and interests, employees will be able to work at their own pace on their Think Wellness Now member portals through customized, online health educational video modules to set realistic health goals that they will be motivated to accomplish in order to facilitate beneficial, long-term, improvements to their overall health. Employees will choose from our variety of monthly video presentations across many different health and wellness topics hosted by certified industry health experts from a variety of health, wellness and medical fields. These presentations will help employees reach beyond purely physical health habits to address underlying psychosocial and spiritual health habits that are just as important determinants of health and wellness.

Through their member portals, employees can also enjoy and track the eligible reimbursements on a monthly basis for 67 different 213(d) medical benefits that may not be covered by their major-medical insurance which also come included with their wellness program. Think Wellness Now is taking employer wellness to the next level. Our platform is designed to assist employees with both their long term and short term health needs.

As another added benefit, our program also comes included with Virtual Primary Care (VPC). Employees and their spouses and child dependents will have access to a consistent primary care doctor online or over the phone at no added cost as well as 24/7 urgent care, adult talk therapy, teen talk therapy and psychiatric care at greatly reduced rates.

Think Wellness Now Employee Wellness Program Monthly Benefits

• Increase Employee Motivation:

The goal of this program is for employees to address their individual health issues while they also earn financial incentives to build better health habits by using their monthly claim payments towards medical and wellness expenses and make realistic and productive life changes.

• Initial Health Risk Assessment (HRA):

At the time of their enrollment, employees will complete a Think Wellness Now Health Questionnaire that will help them start thinking about areas of their health that they might want to start addressing as they continue in the program. This activity qualifies as their initial Month 1 claim payment trigger for the program.

• Easy To Track:

Employees can constantly track the benefits of this extensive wellness program in their personalized Think Wellness Now member portals.

• Enjoy Enhanced Medical Benefits:

Employees will be eligible to receive monthly claim payment reimbursements for 67 different, valuable 213(d) medical services that might not be covered by their major-medical health insurance or Medicare including acupuncture, chiropractor care, dental and orthodontia treatment, eye examinations and eye glasses, prescribed medicines and drugs, nutritional supplements, vitamins, herbal supplements, podiatrist services and many more.


• Sponsor a wellness program that actually improves employee health outcomes while generating substantial bottom line savings for you!

• Corporate Wellness is a proven way to encourage health for employees to reduce absenteeism and lower risk levels for various disease threats

• Potentially lower health insurance claims through good health by participating in monthly wellness activities

• Improve company morale by showing employees that their employer truly cares about their health

• Great retention tool because employees secure valuable health and financial benefits and must remain with the employer to continue to access these benefits

Welcome, Employees!

Click The Button To Access Your Employee Portal

What Sets Us Apart

Corporate Wellness Advantages With Think Wellness Now

• Monthly Program Keeps Employees Accountable And Engaged And Ensures True And Realistic Progress Is Made With Their Health And Wellbeing
• Disease And Weight Loss Management, Disease Prevention, Nutrition And Smoking Cessation Assistance
• Goal Setting And Prevention For Future Medical Conditions

* Group Fixed Indemnity Health Insurance Group Shield One underwritten by National Prosperity Life and Health Insurance Company, Inc.
(Form Number NP FI CERT TX 817). This Policy Is NOT Major-Medical Health Insurance Or Medicare.